Elder Empowerment

Elder Empowerment

The “Golden Years” of human development can often be portrayed as a period of regret, unrealized dreams, physical and cognitive loss and isolation.  Life slows down, and it often is a pause to reflect on the past and plans for the future.  It can be a time of flux as the individual feels proud over past satisfying achievements as well as disappointed over missed opportunities and unmet needs. 

In other cultures and parts of the world, Elders are held in high esteem and even revered for their experiences and wisdom.  It is not always true that the older are wiser, but experience in living through diverse conditions is an important part of growth and maturity, and worthy of consideration by the younger generations.

In an exhaustive research study done by New England Journal of Medicine in 2018, it was found that the most "fruitful" years of a person’s life are reported to be between 60-70 years old, with 70-80 years old following and 50-60 coming in third!  In fact many of our members of government, teachers, medical staff, scientists, including business and ministry leaders, are within those age brackets. 

The counselors at Our Space hold the belief that no matter what the future holds, the best is yet to come, and that our latter years can be productive and fulfilling. We encourage our clients to find strength in their unique life journey, to explore their intangible character assets, and to finish their life goals. 

Please feel free to contact us! Phone: 718-333-0321

[email protected]


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Office Hours: Times may vary during the year. Call for telehealth hours.



9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

